We all know that encouragement and motivation are key components of success. We reward effort in different areas every week by setting specific goals, thus training our students to strive and succeed. Generally, students’ perception of effort is evolving.
Students need specific definitions to form beliefs about effort in specific areas and should be encouraged to update these beliefs as their skills develop.
When we encourage and appreciate effort, our students will begin to see themselves as responsible for their own learning (Ryan & Deci, 2000).
One way of encouragement we use in the classroom is the selection by the teacher of the “Student of the Week.” The student’s name is announced in the class and on the special board in our school. The goal for the first 2 weeks was “THE BEST LISTENER,” meaning the student who listens most attentively to their teacher. Other goals follow such as “Working with our partners,” “Speaking English in class,” and other practices we want to encourage.
We invite you to encourage taking responsibility and to reward your child, in order to make them feel proud of their achievements.
The positive thoughts and feelings that are part of this encouragement process from the teacher and parents will contribute to further advancing the learning process and your child’s self-confidence.
Success is progress towards a goal, and nothing succeeds like success. This could be one of the most important aspects of intrinsic motivation. Achievement itself is rewarding. (James Zull)